Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Pepinos left at home

Hi folks! last week I went to Florida. My dad got left behind. I went swimming in a outdoor pool ! Ofcourse, my mom didn't want to go in a heated 80 degree pool. She said it was too cold. It was warmer than our house! And my dad was shoveling the driveway. That's all I want to say.

So long Pepino Pals,

Li'l Pepinita


RC HAMMER said...

I can't believe I've gone to Pepino Suave's some many times and I've never noticed you had a blog!

Well, it looks like you have good publicity.

RC Hammer (a.k.a. Coco Loco)

RC HAMMER said...

I put you on a link to my blog.

You're a really good writer.
How old are you again?

RC Hammer

Pepinita21 said...

I'm 11 now, then I was.. Wait a seccond.. Gotta do the math...8 years old.